Challenge your world view.
In this international best-seller, Gervase Bushe explains why even the most promising partnerships get derailed and what you can do about it.
Based on more than 30 years of academic research and organizational consulting the book explains how our normal processes of sense-making and the way we try to learn together from our experience destroys collaboration, and lays out the model for how to sustain real collaboration and partnership at work by showing you how you can contribute to your own success by:
- learning how to be aware of your own experience,
- knowing how and when to describe it to others,
- getting others to tell you what they really think, feel and want
- amplifying the best in others
- creating real team and organizational learning
This book has helped 10,000s of people around the world make transformative changes in the way they show up at work and in their personal lives.

In a time when everyone knows they need to ‘get different’ in their interactions and in the workplace Gervase has given us a roadmap with plenty of examples. We know that collaboration is the key to success. The Clear Leadership Model gives us the new tools we need to lead people and teams.
– Frederick A. Miller,
CEO, The Kaleel Jamison Consulting Group, Inc.; Coauthor, The Inclusion Breakthough and Safe Enough to Soar: Accelerating Trust, Inclusion, & Collaboration in the Workplace.

Gervase Bushe offers us a terrific perspective on leadership. There is great power in his idea that we construct the world and become effective when we get this, share this, and get interested in the stories of others. This book makes leadership accessible to all, even the quiet, shy, avoid eye contact ones among us. It is also written with elegant simplicity. Buy it, read it, pass it around.
– Peter Block,
Author of Flawless Consulting, The Empowered Manager and
Community: The Structure of Belonging

In Clear Leadership, Dr Bushe takes us . . . way beyond the realm of leadership development, into the fundamental ways that human beings build partnerships, form intimate relationships, sustain friendships, and increase the joy of day by day work relationships. I applaud Bushe’s work in showing us . . . “how to make individual and communal flourishing possible in the workplace.” For those of you who care about how to build healthy individuals, relationships and organisations, this is a must read.
– Mee-Yan Cheung Judge
Senior visiting Fellow of the Singapore Civil Service College and co-author of Organization Development: A Pracitioner’s guide to OD and HR.

Like Chris Argyris and Peter Senge before him, Gervase Bushe presents a fresh, distinct, and revealing window into the personal and interpersonal dynamics of leadership. His take on the four selves of leadership is built on the latest advances in theory and brought to life through interesting case examples. Clear Leadership stands above the usual fare by speaking to leaders who truly care about their craft. It offers them a disciplined agenda for bringing their whole selves to work and bringing the best out of their people and teams.
– Philip Mirvis,
Senior Fellow of Social Innovation, Babson College. Co-author of Beyond Good Company and To the Desert and Back

In Clear Leadership, Bushe provides the best insights yet into the dynamics that shape human relationships at work. Leaders should read this book to understand exactly what their role is in shaping interpersonal dynamics in their organizations and what they can do to create the productive climate that today’s competitive environment demands.
– Bill Pasmore,
SVP and Organizational Practice Leader, The Centre for Creative Leadership; Author of Designing Effective Organizations, and Leading Continuous Change: Navigating Churn in the Real World
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